Sunday, 5 March 2017

Millionär Forex Trader Geheimnisse Bericht Greg Secker Händler

Millionär Forex Trader Secrets Bericht Greg Secker Net. 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Hingga akhirnya orang tuaku pindah kota dan aku harus ikut di baca ya mas Lanjutan Cerita Geschlecht Pembantu Aku adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa umurku 28 Tahun namaku Niya aku mempunyai suami yang namanya Jono dan bekerja sebagai kuli bangunan yang jika ada proyek dia bekerja, kalau tidak ada proyek Jono hanya diam dirumah saja, umurku dan suamiku sama jadi aku tidak mengandalkan pemasukan dari suamiku saja Erma di rumah mempunyai di baca ya Mas Lanjutan Cerita Sex Pembantu Perkenalkan namaku Randi, umurku waktu itu 24 tahun Millionär Forex Trader Secrets Bericht Greg Secker Net Ufx Märkte Forex Frieden Armee Fxcm Aku memang tergolong cowok yang gak ganteng2 amat tapi kata teman2ku aku memiliki daya tarik tertentu Sore itu waktu aku sampe dikantor Aku disuruh führer ku untuk fotokopi, naah beranjaklah aku ke tempat fotokopi disebelah perusahaanku tersebut M Illionaire Forex Trader Secrets Bericht Greg Secker Net Tapi masalah ranjang istriku masih sangat binal meski aku sering mengajaknya ketika dia sedang lembur di baca ya mas Lanjutan Cerita Sex Pembantu Beginen perkasanya Om ku malam itu Forex Factory bietet Informationen für professionelle Forex Trader Trading Stop Verlust nehmen Profit Millionär Forex Trader Geheimnisse Bericht Greg Secker MrsDavidHild Aku sangat mendambakan seseorang yang sangat bisa memuaskan aku, karena nafsuku yang besar. Cerita Sex Pembantu Panggil saja aku Renald, ABG ganteng dan bahkan sebagian teman-temanku mengatakan kalau aku pantas jadi artis Millionär Forex Trader Secrets Bericht Greg Secker Net Beste Forex Scalping Forex Investoren haben nicht die Zeit zu handeln Zu Usd Chart Forex Aku disetubuhinya habis-habisan Hingga aku mencapai puncak kepuasan Yang sangat aku inginkan Banc De Binary Optionen Trading-Programme stattdessen konzentrieren sie ihre Bemühungen auf Teilzeit Handel in den Abenden Oder in Pausen in ihren Arbeitstagen. Greg S Ecker s Millionär Forex TraDer SeCreTS report.1 srekce S g Gre Millionär FOREX TRADER SECRETs report.2 Bitte drucken Sie diesen Bericht und hier ist warum die Chancen, dass Sie durch diesen Bericht lesen, sind weit größer, wenn Sie es als eine Hardcopy bekommen haben Der Grund, warum wir noch Zeitungen in diesem digitalen Zeitalter haben Um das Beste aus diesem Bericht herauszuholen, werden wir Sie bitten, ein paar Dinge zu machen, die Sie in die Räume schreiben werden. Die Abschnitte, die Sie ausfüllen, sind sehr wichtig In Bezug auf Sie realisieren Ihre finanziellen Ziele, so nehmen Sie sich bitte die Zeit, um diese an Ihren engsten Drucker zu senden 2.3 Inhalt Was ist Forex Warum Trade Forex Wie man Trades für Profit eingeben Wie man das RISK PRECISELY 11 CRITICAL Schritte für Timing Entry und Exit Points zu verwalten Psychologie und Preis Aktion EXPOSED Sssshhh don t erzählen jemand über diese PLUS Meine Top 5 Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Trading Karriere 3.4 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Kampf getestet Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Bevor wir anfangen Wer der Hölle ist Greg Secker Das bin ich auf der rechten Seite auf unserem Trading-Boden in London, England Ich besitze die Multi-Millionen Pfund Knowledge to Action-Gruppe, die LiveTradingFloor und Traders University betreibt - die britische erste Multi-preisgekrönte private Trader Coaching-Unternehmen Wir ve Hatten mehr als 50.000 Menschen an unseren verschiedenen Handelsseminaren und Workshops teil, warum das, was wir unterrichten lehren wir lehren Menschen wie Sie, wie man einen soliden Einkommen Handel der Aktien-und Devisenmärkte zu produzieren und über 90 dieser Menschen sind buchstäblich Anfänger oft mit weniger als 5000 beginnen Ich habe gelernt, wie man Forex zuerst handeln In der Tat Forex war schon immer meine erste Liebe und meine Hauptliebe Es fing alles zurück in der Mitte der Neunziger Jahre, nachdem ich an der Universität graduierte und trat der Thomas Cook Financial Services Gruppe, als eine junge, scharf vielleicht ein Wenig über eifriger Junge aus der Schule und in ihre Technik-Abteilung arbeitete ich hart und zeigte Eignung und erkannte schnell, dass das Geld, das an diesem Ort gemacht wurde, nicht der Urlaub war Geschäft aber das lukrative Foreign Exchange Geschäft Und dann ein Twist des Schicksals passiert das Internet wurde immer beliebter, die Welt wollte online handeln und ich war in einem Projekt namens Virtual Trading Desk, die die weltweit erste Internet-basierte werden Forex Trading-Plattform ermöglicht Treasury-Abteilungen auf der ganzen Welt in Forex auf Knopfdruck umzugehen Um dieses Projekt zu verwirklichen, musste ich alles über Foreign Exchange Ich trainierte mit Händlern aus London, New York, Toronto, Australasien Sie lehrten mich Wie die Tarife konstruiert wurden, was die Währungsbewegungen beeinflusst hat, wie sie den Fluss gehandelt haben, und einen kompletten Insider-Blick auf fundamentale Einflüsse, Nachrichten, Politik und natürlich technische Charts Ich habe Zeugnis von Milliarden von Dollar verteilt und Millionen gemacht und ich fiel in Liebe mit Forex Trading genau dort und dann Innerhalb von Monaten hatte ich aus der Technologie verschoben und ich lief die Forex Trading und Operations-Geschäft aus Toro Nto, Kanada für den virtuellen Trading Desk Dies war eine solche Revolution in der Devisenwelt, wenn man sich an den Euro erinnert, war der ERM-Wechselkursmechanismus alles zu kommen, dies war vor 2000 und der Millennium-Bug. Wir waren so weit vor uns Zeit, wir haben mehrere Auszeichnungen für diese Innovation - schlagen die Gleichen von Barclays und Charles Schwab hatten wir Echtzeit-Forex Trading und sonst auch 4.5 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Dieser frühe Erfolg in meiner Karriere, hat mich Hooked on Trading Forex Ich konnte sehen, was es tun konnte, ich war in Ehrfurcht vor der schiere Größe und Skala Wenn die UK-Börse war ein Planschbecken war dies der Atlantik Aufgrund meines Erfolgs mit dem virtuellen Trading Desk wurde ich bald verschluckt Up von einer großen US-Bank war mein Unterzeichnungsbonus mehr als mein Gehalt von meinem vorherigen Job und, wie Sie sich vorstellen können, waren meine Eltern ekstatisch Ich war jetzt ein Vizepräsident im Devisengeschäft für eine große Investmentbank Mellon Financial Corporation in Die Vereinigten Staaten, nicht schlecht für einen Kerl in seinen frühen Zwanzigern Hier hatte ich das Glück, um einige der besten Händler in der Welt zu arbeiten Ich hatte exklusiven Zugang mit hoch angetriebenen Forex Trader jeden einzelnen Tag Nicht die großen Namen, dh Soros , Buffet etc. Sie hören verbreitet um das Internet und in den Medien - aber die echten Forex-Händler, die leise toled weg Tag für Tag, bringen in Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Vermögen für die Investment-Banken, proprietäre Trading-Etagen und Hedge-Fonds sie arbeiten für Geld verdienen Der Handel blühte - und es war zu dieser Zeit, dass ich auf ein Konzept stolperte, das zu einer vollständigen Verschiebung in meinem Denken führte Bis zu diesem Punkt hatte ich hart gearbeitet, ich hatte Auszeichnungen für mein Studium an der Universität gewonnen und dort war ich bei 24 Mit einem sechs-stelligen Gehalt und einer Vizepräsidentschaft in einer großen US-Bank noch war ich in meiner Sprache ein Gehaltssklave Ja, ich hatte tolle Boni, ja ich hatte ein fantastisches Gehalt, aber Junge musste ich die Stunden in die ganze Zeit setzen , Mein handelskonto war Wenn ich mein Gehalt in einen Brei bekam, erkannte ich, dass ich und die meisten Menschen in einer Welt leben, in der ZEITGELD Mit anderen Worten, je härter ich gearbeitet habe, desto mehr Geld habe ich jemanden gefragt, wie man ihr Einkommen vervierfacht und ihr Gehirn fragt Wie kann ich vier arbeiten? Mal härter Trading änderte das alles für mich Ich habe nicht nur gelernt, wie man Geld handeln kann, von meinen Jahren an Handelsböden auf der ganzen Welt arbeitete ich völlig meine Wahrnehmung von Geld, Reichtum und Zeit, entdeckte ich, dass, wenn man lernt, wie man handelt Erfolgreich, Ihre Wahrnehmung von Geld ändert sich für immer 5.6 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Schlacht getestet Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits durch Investieren und Trading, wo Ihr Geld funktioniert, während Sie don t, erkannte ich, ich könnte exponentielle Einkommen zu machen und dass in diesem Fall Zeit ist unverhältnismäßig verwandt Zu Geld habe ich erkannt, dass Geld Geld verdient und wann du das nicht verstehst, aber du weißt, dass das bedeutet, dass es das Leben ändert, es nimmt buchstäblich neue Bedeutung an. Wie fühlst du dich leichter, weniger s Tressed, weniger besorgt, anders etwas lässig - es ist so, wie der große Kampf vorbei ist Also habe ich weiter gehandelt, neue Strategien erlernt und alles getestet, was ich in Kontakt gekommen bin, habe ich meine Strategien mit den Händlern bei der Arbeit, bei meiner Bank und bei anderen Banken bewiesen Ich erkannte, dass die technische Analyse, die über Diagramme gießt, für Akademiker ist und dass Strategien spezifische Regeln für das Betreten und Verlassen von profitable Trades ist, was das Spiel ist alles über Dies war, wo das Geld kam, und schon lange war es offensichtlich für mich, dass ich nicht brauchte Um ein Gehaltssklave mehr zu sein Don t mich falsch, das war nicht einfach, ich habe sicherlich die Narben sowohl emotional als auch finanziell und ich habe definitiv den harten Weg gelernt, zum Beispiel habe ich keine Schande, Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich sieben Handelskonten verbrannt habe Weg Wir alle haben unsere eigenen Reisen zu erleben, meine führte mich zu der Erkenntnis, dass ich versuchen könnte, diesen Markt zu spielen, oder ich könnte Strategien verwenden, die Profis nutzen und diese Arbeit werde ich daran erinnert, dass fast ev Ery Tag Wenn ich den Außenring einer britischen Zwei-Pfund-Münze betrachte, liest die Inschrift auf den Schultern der Riesen Die Worte wurden aus einem Brief von 1676 von Isaac Newton an seinen Mitwissenschaftler Robert Hooke entnommen, der die Schulden anerkannte Verdankt anderen, wenn ich weiter gesehen habe, ist es, wenn man auf den Schultern der Riesen steht. Der schnellste und effizienteste Weg zum Erfolg ist, die Werkzeuge zu benutzen, die andere vor uns entdeckt haben, und sie zu unserem Nutzen zu nutzen, habe ich beschlossen, dass wenn Sir Isaac Newton kann dies anerkennen, so kann ich das Latein ist nanos gigantum humeris insidentes Bedeutung Einer, der künftige intellektuelle Verfolgungen entwickelt, indem er die Forschung und Werke, die von bemerkenswerten Denkern der Vergangenheit erstellt wurden, entwickelt hat. 7. Schlacht getestete Taktiken zu UNBEGRENZTEN Handelsgewinnen nach Ich bin offiziell aus der Arbeit bei 28 Ich habe mich entschlossen, eine Börse zu gründen, von meinem Haus Seit diesen frühen Tagen habe ich leidenschaftlich die Geheimnisse mit allen geteilt, die ich gekommen bin Nto Kontakt mit Zuerst war es Freunde und Familie, aber bevor ich es wusste, hatte ich 17 Leute, die sich in meinem Haus auf meinem Wohnraum aus Laptops zelten, und Knowledge to Action wurde in nur 3 kurzen Monaten geboren. Mein Partner schlug vor, dass Sie sehen konnten Ich war so leidenschaftlich über die Lehre von Menschen zu handeln, ich sollte die Schüler den Kult aus dem Haus bewegen und eine richtige Schule bilden und das ist genau das, was wir taten Heute, nur fünf Jahre später habe ich auf fast allen wichtigen Marktkanälen einschließlich CNBC gesprochen Und Bloomberg habe ich auch die wichtigsten Investitionsveranstaltungen IX, Euromoney und Master-Investor, um nur einige zu nennen und persönlich eine der höchstmöglichen privaten Handelsböden zu nennen, die von der Financial Services Authority in London registriert und reguliert wird. Sie beschäftigt Vollzeit-Händler Die Strategien, die ich auf meinen Reisen um die Handelsböden der Welt entdeckt habe und die ich jetzt neuen Händlern verleihe, die sich verpflichtet haben, diese Arbeit auch für sie zu machen. Der Erfolg des Gr Absolventen, die den Unterricht kombinieren, und vor allem das Coaching hat dazu geführt, dass man in zwei Büchern geschrieben hat, in der Stadt von Sally Nicoll, wo ich den Autorenhandel um die Karriere umgestellt habe, und sie schreibt ihren Handelserfolg unserem Programm und Instant Intuition von Anne zu Jirsch ein bekannter Psychiker, der meine außerordentlichen Handelsgewinne erforschte, um zu entdecken, ob es auf irgendeinem Gott basierte, das gut gefühlt wurde oder wenig bekannt, aber leicht zu verwendende Strategien darauf hindeutet, dass es nicht das ehemalige ist 7.8 Ich habe angefleht, meine Forex Trading Tactics zu meinem zu zeigen Absolventen In den letzten fünf Jahren haben meine Schüler mit mir gelobt, sie zu lehren, um Forex zu handeln. Die meisten meiner Absolventen, die an meinem Traders University Programm teilgenommen haben, werden so fachmännisch im Handel, dass sie auf technische Analyse insgesamt aufgeben. Was ich hier meine, sind sie Nur Handelsstrategien Die Strategien für den Handel von Aktien, die ich unterrichte, sind legendär und wurden in Bestseller geschrieben, auf populären Nachrichtenprogrammen und TV-Chat-Shows gezeigt Stion von meinen Absolventen zeigte uns die Strategien für den Handel Forex Als ich setzte mich zu schreiben, was ich in Forex es buchstäblich nahm mich sechs Monate Nach der Destillation des Programms, so dass ein Laien konnte es verstehen, dauerte es noch sechs Monate endlich endgültige Forex War fertig und die drei Strategien, nämlich Ultimate Forex Pivots, Ultimate Forex Sniper Trade und der Forex Income Generator sind die drei kritischen Eckpfeiler bei der Schaffung eines Einkommens aus der Forex Märkte heute und die zentralen Strategien zu Ultimate Forex Jetzt Zum ersten Mal habe ich Beschlossen, meine Eingeweide zu verschütten, wenn Sie den Ausdruck entschuldigen Bisher hat nur eine kleine Gruppe auf diese Strategien zugegriffen. Wir beschränken uns darauf, nur eine kleine Anzahl von Seminaren pro Jahr zu führen, und jeder, den wir unterrichten, unterzieht sich einem Live Trader Coaching Programm Um sicherzustellen, dass sie anfangen und weiter erfolgreich handeln So jetzt möchte ich so viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt davon profitieren In diesem Bericht nehme ich ein paar von th E wichtigste Prinzipien, die ich gelernt habe und ich möchte sie mit Ihnen kostenlos teilen 8.9 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Schlacht getestete Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Warum weil niemand sonst überprüft dies s wahr Ich habe mich immer als Pionier I angesehen War die erste Person, die professionelle 1-on-1 Trader-Coaching in Großbritannien zu bringen, bevor ich begann Trader Coaching gab es nur ein oder zwei Börsen-Trainings-Unternehmen, die Sie wissen, die Bohrmaschine, eine Menge Hype und wenig Substanz habe ich völlig revolutioniert die private Trader Coaching-Industrie in Großbritannien und dafür erhielt ich kritische Beifall und ich habe die Einrichtung geschüttelt Ich war auch der erste und immer noch nur Trainer Erzieher, um meinen Hals auf den Block zu setzen, indem er einen LIVE-Trading-Boden, wo wir tatsächlich veröffentlicht die tatsächlichen Trading-Konten Und die Ergebnisse unserer Händler KEIN DAS IST DIESES Warum In meiner ehrlichen Meinung sind die meisten Trainer nicht Händler, die Sie das Sprichwort kennen, die, die können - und diejenigen, die t - lehren können, sind einfach veröffentlichen Isher Periode Wir beweisen unsere Ergebnisse und wir haben jeden internationalen Benchmark geschlagen, seit wir angefangen haben Es gibt keine Argumentation mit dem noch Wiesel wird whinge, whine und stöhnen Was auch immer Dies wird wirklich verärgert sie, weil ich Ihnen einige der besten Tools kostenlos geben Ja, ich Ich wette, du wirst lieben, was ich dir lehren muss FREI, ich wette auch, dass du ein RAVING FAN werden wirst und ich glaube wirklich, eines Tages wirst du entweder an einem meiner Trading-Events an unserem Trading-Floor teilnehmen oder an einem privaten 1-on teilnehmen -1 Trader Coaching-Programm, wie wir wissen, das ist, wo WIRKLICHE Ergebnisse gemacht werden 9.10 Forex Trading zahlt sich aus Greg Secker s Projekt Aston Martin DB9S Allerdings, wenn Sie nur wollen, um die Werkzeuge für FREIE zu packen, präsentiert hier in diesem Dokument sei mein Gast ernsthaft , Keine Liebe verloren Nehmen Sie sie mit meinem Segen und übergeben Sie sie an Ihre Freunde Ich habe nichts zu verlieren Wenn Sie ernsthaft besuchen Ultimate Forex und haben Sie Ihre Hand durch den Handelsprozeß gehalten und tun, was ich tat STAND AUF DIE SCHULTER VON GIANTS - ther E ist kein Ersatz für Live Eins bei einem Trader Coaching mit Strategien - wenn Sie es ernst meinen, einen sicheren Einkommensstrom zu produzieren und wollten schon immer genau wissen, wie man das richtig und konsequent macht, dann mit meinem Team zu sprechen und mich zu registrieren, garantiere ich Ihnen Schauen Sie nicht Jedenfalls, ohne weiteres, lassen Sie uns STARTEN 10.11 Was ist der Forex-Markt Was ist die Aufregung alles über Der Devisenmarkt oder Forex oder Devisenmarkt ist buchstäblich der größte liquideste Markt in der Welt Dies ist der Spielplatz von Die Millionär und sogar Billionaire Trader In Forex können Sie buchstäblich Millionen für sich selbst erstellen, wenn Sie richtige professionelle Handelsstrategien verwenden Dieser Markt hat sowohl die Hebelwirkung und die Genauigkeit, um Ihre Trading-Karriere zu verwandeln Bei der Zeit des Schreibens der Forex Trades etwa 3 Billionen Dollar jeder einzelne Tag Das ist mehr als die jede einzelne Assetklasse kombiniert, dh mehr als die Anleihe, Aktien, Aktienmärkte zusammen Die schiere Größe dieses Marktes bedeutet Dass, im Gegensatz zu Handelsbeständen, können Sie ganz einfach Ihre Trades zu jeder Zeit und erhalten extrem engen Spreads auf Ihren Handel Dies bedeutet, dass die Kosten des Handels ist niedrig und das auch desto mehr Sie handeln die Kosten bleibt fest, so anders als Aktien, wo Sie erwarten würden Preis zu bewegen, um die größere die Bestellung als Broker haben, um Quelle genug Lager für Sie zu handeln, die Forex-Märkte sind völlig flüssig und deshalb sind aus diesem Grund allein, Forex ist der selbstgewählte Marktplatz der Wahl der Millionär Trader, aufgrund seiner Geschwindigkeit, Effizienz, Transparenz und Klarheit des Signals 11.12 Was ist der Forex-Markt Je mehr Menschen, desto besser das Signal Für den Handel von Signalen und Strategien, um tatsächlich zu erarbeiten, brauchen wir viele Händler, um mit dem Signal einverstanden zu sein. Daher ist die Teilnahme wichtig Forex ist der am meisten teilnehmende Markt in der Welt, können Sie sicher sein, dass die Signale sind die klarsten von jedem Markt Wenn Sie jemals gehandelt haben eine ill-liquid Lager in der Vergangenheit mit technischen Analyse Sie werden genau wissen, was ich meine Illiquid-Aktien nur brauchen einen Teilnehmer zu ruinieren ein ansonsten perfektes technisches Setup Aufgrund der Größe des Forex-Marktes, wird dieser Lärm von einem oder zwei Personen geglättet wegen der schiere Größe - wieder Dies übersetzt in zuverlässige Signale Die Macht kommt, wenn Ihre Trading-Strategien auf den Handel mit diesen klaren Signalen angewiesen sind. Was Sie unten sehen, ist ein Diagramm des EURUSD Sie sehen sich Pivot-Linien an, worauf wir später noch mehr darüber sprechen werden, nur um zu bemerken, wie der Preis springt Immer so genau von diesen Linien Trading-Strategien, die funktionieren, sind diejenigen, die diese Art von klaren unleugbaren Handelssignale verwenden 12.13 Warum Handel Forex Der Markt, der niemals den Markt schläft, die niemals schläft Zuerst einmal, Zeit Ihre Zeit Dies ist ein 24-Stunden-Marktplatz, Es schläft nie das bedeutet, dass du handeln kannst, wenn du willst Wenn du ein Frühbucher bist, findest du Setups auf den Hauptwährungen um 7 Uhr. Wenn du eine Nachteule bist, findest du Setups Am Abend Der Punkt ist dies, werden Sie bald den Zeitrahmen und die Währungen zu überwachen und Sie legen die Trades, wenn Sie verfügbar sind auf Ultimate Forex-Programm werden Sie entdecken, welche Strategien zu handeln und wenn die meisten Händler denken, dass das große Geld ist Machte versuchen zu scalp Forex nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit Das große Geld ist in Forex gemacht durch die Einrichtung von End-of-Day-Handelsstrategien und lassen diese Positionen nur laufen und laufen und bringen Sie Hunderte und Tausende von Pips sind mit einem garantierten Stop Verlust Sie würden eine satte 10 Verlust auf den Handel Nun ist dies bekannt, um Aktienhändler und es gilt als Marktrisiko Allerdings ist in der Forex-Markt dieses Risiko nicht vorhanden Der Forex-Markt ist völlig nahtlos in anderen Worten gibt es keine Lücken außer Von Freitag Abend bis Sonntag Abend, wenn es keine Trades Dies bedeutet, dass Sie den Markt non-stop ohne die Angst zu bekommen, um aus Ihrem Handel zu gewinnen. Anders als die Börse der Forex-Markt nicht ga P Eine Lücke ist ein Raum auf einem Diagramm, wo kein Handel stattfindet und buchstäblich einen physischen Leerraum auf der Karte hinterlässt. Dies ist gefährlich Wenn Sie einige Aktien in einer Firma gekauft haben, um nur eine Woche später zu entdecken, dass das Unternehmen Probleme hat und veröffentlicht wird Eine Gewinnwarnung Die Lücke könnte 10 sein, und es sei denn, Sie 13.14 Warum Trade Forex Sehen Sie sich das folgende Diagramm an, in diesem Beispiel haben Anleger, die Yell Group haben, eine böse Überraschung erhalten haben, als sie von den Rechnungslegern und den Lagerlücken über 10 über Nacht erfuhren 14.15 Warum Handel Forex Der Preis an dem, was Sie kaufen und verkaufen ist wichtig Wenn es einen großen Unterschied zwischen dem, was kostet Sie etwas kaufen und sofort verkaufen es zurück auf den Markt ist es nur folgt, dass dies zu einem hohen Kosten des Umgangs in Aktien beiträgt , Der Unterschied zwischen dem, was Sie kaufen und verkaufen können Ihre Aktien die Ausbreitung wird fast ausschließlich von Market Maker kontrolliert Die Verbreitung ändert sich oft und ist ein Spiegelbild der Menge an Lager zur Verfügung zu jedem gegebenen Zeit Wenn es viele Käufer und Verkäufer dann eindeutig das Handelsrisiko ist niedriger für den Broker und dies führt zu engeren Spreads auf den Kunden Werfen Sie einen Blick auf das folgende Beispiel Sie können sehen, die Ausbreitung auf Gregg s die Bäcker ist 80 Punkte Das ist Weil Greggs ist nicht ein stark gehandeltes Lager Sie don t bekommen viele Leute kaufen eine Aktie, die 33 ist ein Anteil und daher die Ausbreitung ist breit Dies ist, weil Greggs doesn t Split es s Lager, es will langfristige Investoren, die interessiert sind, zu gewinnen Die Dividende zahlt es sich aus, um die Aktie zu halten. Ein Trader müsste dann 80 Punkte bezahlen, nur um in den Handel zu kommen. Bei 10 Pt bedeutet dies den Handel bei einem - 800 Verlust nur auf Handelseintrag Stockbeispiel - Spread ist 80 Punkte Greggs Mon Daily Cash Rolling 25 Forex Beispiel - Spread ist 3 Punkte EUR USD Mon Täglich Bargeld Rolling 28 GBP USD Mon Täglich Cash Rolling 28 Im Forex-Markt ist die Ausbreitung nicht von Marktbedingungen beeinflusst Die Spread ist immer fixiert, so dass Sie immer genau wissen, welche Preise Yo Sie handeln bei Warum Es gibt, wie gesagt, keine Größenbeschränkungen in den Forex-Märkten 15.16 Warum Trade Forex Trading Forex 101 Im Gegensatz zu Aktien und Futures, die durch zentrale Börsen handeln, wird der meisten Forex-Handel durch den Interbank-Markt stattfinden und wird durch den Markt erleichtert Entscheidungsträger, die Großbanken sowie kleine bis große Brokerfirmen einschließen Es ist daher schwierig, das Volumen, das in jeder Währung gehandelt wird, jederzeit zu messen, da es nicht über eine zentrale Börse registriert ist, aber die meisten guten Datenanbieter können ziemlich gute Schätzungen geben Forex Trading Beinhaltet das Trading von Währungspaaren wie das EUR-USD-Paar Eurodollar US-Dollar-Paar, wo ein Käufer dieses Paares tatsächlich den Eurodollar kaufen und gleichzeitig den US-Dollar kurzfristig verkaufen würde. Es gibt immer zwei Währungen in jedem Paar, eine BASE und eine BEGRIFFE Die BASE ist Immer die erste Währung im Paar und ist immer gleich 1 Die zweite Währung im Paar ist die BEGRIFFE und das sagt dir, wieviel Währung du bist Für 1 Einheit der BASE-Währung kaufen Wenn zum Beispiel EURUSD an ihm handeln soll, bedeutet 1 Euro US-Dollar Basiswährung EUR USD Terms Währung Wenn der Wechselkurs steigt, schwankt die Spalte Währung gegen die Basis und die Basis ist Offensichtlich zunehmend gegen die Bedingungen Währung Handel ist der gleichzeitige Kauf einer Währung und Verkauf der anderen 16.17 Wie man Trades für Profit Trade in Richtung der Trend eingeben Warten auf den Rückzug Wir dürfen nie gegen den Trend handeln Ob wir handeln Währungen , Aktien, Rohstoffe oder die Indizes müssen wir immer Long Buy handeln, wenn das Chart nach oben bewegt und Short Sell, wenn das Diagramm nach unten bewegt Um konsequent kurzfristige Gewinne zu ernten und ich meine sehr gesunde Gewinne, die man mehr als leben kann, brauchen wir Um sicherzustellen, dass unser Handelseintrag die folgenden Ziele erfüllt 1 Wir handeln in die gleiche Richtung wie der Trend IMMER 2 Wir warten darauf, dass der Handel zurückzieht, dh wenn der Vorrat nach oben geht, lass es retra Ce auf ein Niveau und bounce 3 Die Bars Preis Bars sind klein in der Länge nicht übermäßig verlängert dh Volatilität und damit das Risiko sollte klein sein Wir schauen, um den Handel als die Bounce auftritt In der folgenden Grafik sehen wir den Handel ist eindeutig in einem Uptrend By the way, das ist definiert als höher-highs höhere peaks bilden und die höher-lows die troughs sind höher, wie wir von links nach rechts bewegen Als der stock zieht 1 auf die gleitende durchschnittliche linie, die s die blaue linie in diesem diagramm ist , Sehen wir eine Reihe von roten Verkäuferstäben, die sich in einem Aufwärtstrend verteilen Wenn der Preis sich dem gleitenden Durchschnitt nähert, würden wir erwarten, dass es abprallt. Wir suchen also nach einer Umkehrleiste, die in diesem Fall wieder auf Grün zurückgeht und nach Handelseintrag umsieht Dieser Bereich Jetzt ist das Bounce aufgetreten wir suchen eine kleine unterdimensionierte Umkehrleiste, da wir die Lautstärke in den Umzug sehen 1 Retracement zum gleitenden Durchschnitt, große Minorunterstützung oder Trendlinie 2 Reversal Bar 4 Moving Averages in Richtung Tren D 3 Trend 17.18 Wie man Trades für Profit einsetzt 1 Unbearbeitete Reversal Bar 2 Volume in den Umzug Die kleine unterdimensionierte Reversal Bar setzt die Strategie des Spiels ein. Wir nutzen diese Bar allein, um herauszufinden, wo wir sowohl unseren Einstieg als auch unseren Anfangsstopp stellen können Verlust Was ist die Begründung hier Zunächst gibt es mehr Käufer als Verkäufer in diesem bestimmten Markt daher, warum die Aktie ist in einem Aufwärtstrend Das ist ziemlich offensichtlich Sie sagen ja es ist aber keine Märkte bewegen sich in einer geraden Linie, sie bewegen sich und dann Sie ziehen zurück Die meisten Anfänger Investoren geben einen Handel ein, der sich deutlich in eine Richtung bewegt, nur um zu sehen, dass sie sich um sie fast umkehren und ihr kostbares Kapital mit sich nehmen Warum Generell in der Höhe der Aufregung einer Bewegung die volle Strecke des Akkordeons Spieler, wenn Sie möchten, müssen zurückziehen, um Profit-Taker zu ermöglichen, ihre Gewinne zu realisieren Es ist diese Bewegung, die den Markt zurückverfolgt und unsere Anfänger Investoren sofort einen Verlust essen Was können wir tun Wir müssen warten, um die Di zu sehen Rücksicht auf den Trend und die Linie des Trends Dann bemerken Sie die frühe Profitierung, die die Währung zurück in die Linie der aktuellen Trendrichtung zieht. Jetzt geben wir nur auf kleine Einstiegsstäbe - mit geringem Risiko, dh die Preisscheine sind klein 18.19 Wie geht's Geben Sie Trades für Profit Lassen Sie uns einen Blick auf einige Beispiele für diese zentrale Handlung in Aktion Hier auf EURUSD haben wir eine Reihe von Pivots entlang der Trends Einstellung bei Ultimate Forex identifiziert, erfahren Absolventen genau, wie man diese Schlüssel Wendepunkte und Ort zu identifizieren Low-Risk-Managed-Handel um diese entscheidenden Punkte Mit einem Diagramm wie diese, diese Arten von Trades liefern buchstäblich Hunderte von Pips Bei einer Handelsgröße von 10 pt oder 1 Standard-Los, schauen Sie zwischen 2500 und 3000 Gewinn pro Handel Zusammenfassend, Wir wollen den Rückzug sehen und rückwärts in Richtung der Tendenz zurückkehren, wenn diese Umkehrung des Retraktes bestätigt wird, dies ist unsere Bestätigung der Eintragung Die Regel kann daher am besten als Kauf auf t Er springt, nicht auf der Strecke 19.20 Wie man das RISIKO PRECISELY stoppt, bevor du weiter gehst Erfolgreicher Handel geht es darum, das Risiko zu verwirklichen. Wenn du momentan handelst, hast du jemals gehandelt oder erwägt den Handel, frag mich dir diese wichtige Frage, wie viel Geld Sollte ich auf einen bestimmten Handel verweisen Wenn die Antwort auf diese Frage nicht mathematisch aus einer risikoorientierten Formel generiert wird, hörst du sofort auf zu handeln Wenn du 5000 oder 5000 auf den nächsten Handel platzierst, weil du fühlst, dass es wahrscheinlich ist, Dann ist Ihr handelsmaße aus dem bauch und nicht dein kopf, das ist dein signal zu STOP HANDEL, UND LERNEN WIE MAN HANDELSGRÖSSE Wie handeln Sie Größe Trading ist ein Zahlenspiel Jeder einzelne Handel, den Sie platzieren, muss als ein Handel in einem Meer von betrachtet werden many trades Some trades will work out, others will not that s life Your job is to make sure that the ones that do not work out don t hit your account like a freight train meaning they must be risk managed You must set the game up to w in Losing trades should nibble at your capital, not shatter it after a string of losers It is not in your winning trades that fortunes are made it is in the protection of your capital against heavy draw downs where winning traders are made One of the biggest causes of failure amongst traders therefore is the inability to manage risk and control losses Remember this Huge Money is Only Made When a Little Money is Risked The Right Way and Commonly Used Wrong Way to Determine the Size of Your Trade Here s my first tip Handling Losses if your trade drops below a pre-defined level, you must exit no hesitation Sure it will hurt but as a successful trader you know that this is part of trading consider it learning capital and get used to it Being a successful investor or trader isn t simply about winning more trades than you lose It s about controlling your losses so that the profits from your wins will outweigh the losing trades Consider the following methods of figuring out how much to place on a trade The WRONG Way - RISKY The RIGHT Way - SMART 1 Pick a stock 1 Use your system to identify a stock 2 Decide how much to place on the trade based on how you feel about it 2 Use Reward Risk ratio to decide whether or not to invest 3 Execute trade 3 Calculate available funds for the trade 4 Afterthought Add a stop loss to protect downside 4 Calculate trade size using available funds and potential risk 20.21 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY The magic ratio you should always use to judge a Trade Once you have identified a trade, the next step is to calculate the Reward Risk ratio using your stop loss and a realistic target price Your Reward Risk ratio should be 2 1 In Forex trading, we even take 1 1 reward risk trades in some instances, but this is only when trading the higher probability strategies which offer 90 probability of success Looking at this trade we may well decide to enter the trade if it breaks through the roof of the consolidation that has formed between 350 to 345 c onsolidation is where the price is in a tight range between the two price points Clearly our stop loss the point where we exit the trade if it goes against us must be placed just below the support line at 345 say 342 to be safe The Long buy entry of the trade, would be placed just as the trade breaks through the 350 price, around 352 to be sure Reward Target Price - Entry Price Risk Target Price - Entry Price 1 21.22 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY If the target profit price is at least three times the risk then the trade makes sense If not, look elsewhere You may well be right, and the share may well go up, but trading like this is too risky and will most likely lead to failure Reward Potential Gain Target Price Entry Price Risk Potential Loss Entry price Stop Loss The Common, but serious mistake that many full time traders Make and How to Avoid It OK, so we ve decided that the Reward outweighs the Risk, great news Now the next important question How much money should I place on the trade Sadly, most novice and full-time traders alike make a grave mistake at this important fork in the road Most traders simply pluck a number out of thin air or worse still lazily choose the same amount on every trade they place big mistake huge This is a classic MESS-UP Ask your novice, intermediate or semi-pro, not what instruments they are buying or selling but in what quantities - the answer you will get in most cases A blank stare In fact I once coached a guy, we ll call him Punter Pete who would always spread bet 40 a point on any trade he traded coached him, he had never once had a profitable year and this was his third year After I taught him to tradesize correctly he made 115 that very next year So you get the gravity of importance Let s cut to it The position you take your stake or number of shares you buy on any one trade should be determined by your account size, the perceived risk and the proportion of your account you are willing to risk Let s assume you have a trading account of 10,000 You should only ever risk a small percentage of your account on any one trade I recommend that you never risk more than 2 , and realistically 1 is a much better risk level This is the key to success Most failures are because people get greedy and wipe out early on Whilst the trades he picked weren t bad calls, because he always traded the same amount on every trade, the ultimate risk on each trade varied wildly Before I 22.23 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY Consider ten hypothetical trades following this system 7 losing 300 7 50 x 40 point loss 3 winning 900 7 50 x 120 point gain NET 2100 LOSS 2700 PROFIT 600 PROFIT So, using this strategy, you can still make profits since your winning trades outweigh the losses from a larger number of losing trades Here s the Magic Formula Position Size Account Risk Trade Risk Position Size 1 x account value entry price-stop less The Account Risk is determined by the total value of your trading account in this case 10,000 multiplied by 1 , so effectively we are saying we cannot lose more than 100 on any trade i e 1 of 10K is 100 Now we look at the Risk on the trade effectively this is the difference between where you entered the trade entry price and where you exit if it all goes wrong Stop loss Now, the key question, once trade risk is handled is how to select winning trades Or more importantly, how to build a list of trades that are most likely to go in your favour Notice, I don t even consider looking for trades until I have the risk management piece handled that s how important it is For this there are three systems 1 Ultimate Forex Pivots an intraday trading system with 90 success rate 2 Forex Income Generator an incredible end-of-day trading system 3 Ultimate Forex Sniper a consistent money making intraday setup you can use 24 5 23.Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders. I am also trying to get trading standards in London to take up the case and investigate further but they seem reluctan t at the minute i would appreciate any contact details for financial experts that could help me with my case Please e-mail asap on igi242002 uk kind regards and best wishes to u all I must echo Robert comments below, which are very accurate I too have traded the financial markets for many years but decided to do the Forex course as a refresher after a 3-year break It was a shock to hear some of the performance claims made in the 2-day training course, which were certainly misleading, and subsequent back-testing proved that the methods taught simply don t work, and can be learnt for free on many internet sites Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders Forex Wisselkoerse In Suid-Afrika Jul 18, 2010 Greg Secker s Secrets Of A Millionaire ForexTrader Financial Education Pack - Part 6 Video 3 of 3 - Forex Trading - Duration The biggest lie was about arrows on the charts that tell you when to buy and sell Knowledge to Action is an Intro Course to Trading sold at an extremel y over priced price with lies and fear My Court claim is based on fraudulent misrepresentation and deceiving the public in order to make money and it is a clear Ponzi scheme Like any indicator it uses past data and this was an complete lie Feb 1, 2015 millionaire forex trader secrets report greg secker knowledge to forex trading secrets a trading system revealed pdf forex pro secret trading Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders Strategy Triangles In Forex Trading The chances of you reading through this report are far greater if you ve got it as a hard copy Forex Trading Pays Off Greg Secker s Project Aston Martin DB9S The Master Forex Trader and Trainer Greg Secker s career started as a Trading technologist at Thomas Cook Financial such as T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and Tony Blair Prime Minister, Great Britain 1997-2007 Greg s Jul 18, 2010 Greg Secker s Secrets Of A Millionaire ForexTrader Financial Education Pack - Part 6 Video 3 of 3 - Forex Tra ding - Duration This outfit manages to evade most of the review sites by using Knowledge to Action to sell its Forex course and Traders University to sell its Stocks course. Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders How To Earn Big Money Boris Bor The chances of you reading through this report are far greater if you ve got it as a hard copy Forex Trading Pays Off Greg Secker s Project Aston Martin DB9S Known as a Philanthropist, Master trader, Father, Entrepreneur, and International speaker These are just a few of the terms used to describe Greg Secker A multi-millionaire by his twenties, Greg has gone on to create and run one Secker flew a helicopter over London trading the forex markets a total of 9 times throughout All Binary Options Brokers Demo Account Trading Software Jul 18, 2010 Greg Secker s Secrets Of A Millionaire ForexTrader Financial Education Pack - Part 6 Video 3 of 3 - Forex Trading - Duration. This is an indicator which I luckily downloaded and tested o n codebase and knew before the seminar and the arrows appear 3 to 4 candles back They also sell strategies like sniper trade etc that is widely available on the internet Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders 100 deposit bonus binary options trading They charged R23 000 2300 for a short course I Have never heard of such an expensive course Hi Please help me I am currently taking Court action against Greg Secker s Knowledge to Action Traders university however the only way i can win my case is if i can get an independent financial expert to act as a witness or give a report about Greg Seckers financial strategy as being false and unfounded Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders Feb 11, 2012 Greg Secker s company, Knowledge To Action, makes grand claims about its forex trading courses too grand for some listening to a man who claims to possess the secret of obtaining unlimited riches Live Trading Floor Limited did not undertake any trading activi ty during the year under review. I attended the intro seminar where a sales man pretending to be a trader outright lied and played on peoples emotions and fears to sell an extremely over priced Knowledge to Action forex course Millionaire Forex Trader Secrets Report Greg Secker Traders Binary Option Trading Help 5 Decimal Online Foreign Currency Exchange Rates In Malawi. Best Trading Sites.24Option Trade 10 Minute Binaries. TradeRush Account Open a Demo Account. Boss Capital Start Trading Live Today. Greg Secker s Millionaire ForeX TraDer SeCreTS report.1 s r e k c e S g Gre Millionaire FOREX TRADer SECRETs report.2 Please Print This Report And here s why The chances of you reading through this report are far greater if you ve got it as a hard copy That s the reason we still have newspapers in this digital age In order to get the most out of this report, we re going to ask you to do a few things that will involve you writing in the spaces provided The sections you ll fill in are very import ant in terms of you realising your financial goals, so please take the time to send this to your closest printer 2.3 Contents What is Forex Why Trade Forex How to Enter Trades for Profit How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY 11 CRITICAL Steps for Timing Entry and Exit Points Psychology and Price Action EXPOSED Sssshhh don t tell anyone about this PLUS My Top 5 Tips for a Successful Trading Career 3.4 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits Before we get started Who the hell is Greg Secker That s me on the right on our trading floor in London, England I own the multi-million pound Knowledge to Action group which runs LiveTradingFloor and Traders University - the UK s first multi-award winning private trader coaching company We ve had over 50,000 people attend our various trading seminars and workshops why Because what we teach works We teach people just like you how to produce a solid income trading the stock and currency markets and over 90 of these peo ple are literally beginners often starting with less than 5000 I learned how to trade Forex first In fact Forex has always been my first love and my main love It all started back in the mid-nineties after I graduated from University and joined the Thomas Cook Financial Services group, as a young, keen perhaps a little over zealous lad out of school and into their technology department I worked hard and demonstrated aptitude and quickly realised that the money being made in this place wasn t the holiday business but the lucrative Foreign Exchange business And then a twist of fate happened the internet was becoming more popular, the world wanted to trade online and I was involved in a project called the Virtual Trading Desk, which was to become the world s first internet based Forex Trading platform allowing treasury departments across the globe to transact in Forex at the touch of a button To make this project a reality, I had to learn everything about Foreign Exchange I trained with tr aders from London, New York, Toronto, Australasia They taught me how the rates were constructed, what influenced the currency movements, how they traded the flow, and a complete insider view on fundamental influences, news, politics and of course technical charts I witnessed billions of dollars being dealt and millions being made And I fell in love with Forex trading right there and then Within months, I had moved out of technology and I was running the Forex trading and operations business out of Toronto, Canada for the Virtual Trading Desk This was such a revolution in the Foreign Exchange world, if you remember the Euro, the ERM Exchange rate mechanism was all to come this was pre-2000 and the millennium bug We were so far ahead of our time, we won multiple awards for this innovation - beating the likes of Barclays and Charles Schwab we had real-time Forex Trading and on else did 4.5 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits This early success in my career, got me hooked on trading Forex I could see what it could do, I was in awe of the sheer size and scale If the UK Stock market was a paddling pool this was the Atlantic Ocean Because of my success with the Virtual Trading Desk, I was soon gobbled up by a big US Bank my signing bonus was more than my salary from my previous job and, as you can imagine, my parents were ecstatic I was now a Vice President in the Foreign Exchange business for a major investment bank Mellon Financial Corporation in the United States, not bad for a guy in his early twenties Here I was lucky enough to be working around some of the very best traders in the world I had exclusive access working with high powered Forex traders every single day Not the big names i e Soros, Buffet etc you hear bandied around the Internet and in the media - but the real Forex traders who quietly toil away day after day, bringing in multi-million dollar fortunes for the investment banks, proprietary trading floors and hedge funds they work for Making money trading flourished - and it was at this time that I stumbled upon a concept that led to a complete shift in my thinking Up until this point, I had worked hard, I had won awards for my degree s at university and there I was at 24 with a six figure salary and a vice-presidency in a major US bank yet I was in my language a salary slave Yes I had great bonuses, yes I had a fantastic salary but boy did I have to put the hours in Whilst all the time, my trading account was beating my salary into a pulp I realised that I, and most people live in a world where TIME MONEY In other words, the harder I worked the more money I made Ask anyone how to quadruple their income and their brain asks How can I work four times harder Trading changed all of that for me I didn t just learn how to make money trading, from my years working on trading floors around the world I completely changed my perception of money, wealth and time I discovered that when you learn how to trad e successfully, your perception of money changes forever 5.6 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits Through Investing and Trading where your money works while you don t , I realised I could make exponential income and that in this case, time is disproportionately related to money I realised that Money Makes Money and when you don t just understand that, but you know that meaning you do it Life changes, it literally takes on new meaning How You feel lighter, less stressed, less worried, different somewhat nonchalant - it s like the big struggle is over So I continued trading, learning new strategies, testing everything I came into contact with I proofed my strategies with the traders at work, at my bank and at other banks I realised that technical analysis pouring over charts is for academics and that strategies specific rules for entering and exiting profitable trades is what the game is all about This was where the money came from, and before lon g it was obvious to me that I did not need to be a salary slave anymore Don t get me wrong this wasn t easy, I certainly have the scars both emotional and financial and I definitely learned the hard way, for example I have no shame in telling you that I burned seven trading accounts along the way We all have our own journeys to experience, mine led me to the realisation that i could try and gamble this market or i could use strategies that professionals use and that work I am reminded of this nearly every day When I look at the outer-ring of a British two pound coin, the inscription reads Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The words were taken from a letter written in 1676 by Isaac Newton to his fellow scientist Robert Hooke, acknowledging the debt he owed to others, if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants Meaning, the fastest and most efficient way to success is to use the tools that others have discovered before us, and use them to our benefit I decided t hat if Sir Isaac Newton can acknowledge this, so can I The Latin is nanos gigantum humeris insidentes meaning One who develops future intellectual pursuits by understanding the research and works created by notable thinkers of the past 6.7 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits After I officially retired from work at 28 I decided to set up a trading floor, from my home Since those early days, I have been passionately sharing the secrets with everyone I have come into contact with At first it was friends and family but before I knew it, I had 17 people camping out at my house trading on my lounge floor from laptops, and Knowledge to Action was born in only 3 short months My partner suggested that seeing as I was so passionate about teaching people to trade, I should move the students the cult out of the house and form a proper school and that is exactly what we did Today, only five years later I have spoken on almost all major market channels inclu ding CNBC and Bloomberg I also headline the major investment events IX, Euromoney and Master - Investor to name a few and personally own one of the highest performing private trading floors - which is registered and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in London It employs full time traders executing the very strategies I discovered on my travels around the trading floors of the world, and which I now impart to new traders who are committed to making this work for them too The success of the graduates which combine instruction and, importantly, coaching has led to being written about in two books, Bets in the City by Sally Nicoll where I turned the author s trading career around, and she attributes her trading success to our programme and Instant Intuition by Anne Jirsch a well known psychic who researched my extraordinary trading profits to discover if it was based on some god given gut feel or little known but easy to use strategies hint it s not the former 7.8 I have been be gged to show my Forex Trading Tactics to my graduates For the last five years, my students have pleaded with me to teach them to trade Forex Most of my graduates who have attended my Traders University programme become so expert at trading that they give up on technical analysis altogether What I mean here is, they only trade strategies The strategies for trading stocks that I teach are legendary, and have been written about in best sellers, featured on popular news programmes and TV chat shows The question from my graduates became Show us the strategies for trading Forex When I sat down to write what I do in Forex it literally took me six months After distilling the programme down so a lay person could understand it, it took another six months Finally Ultimate Forex was finished and the three strategies, namely Ultimate Forex Pivots, Ultimate Forex Sniper Trade and the Forex Income Generator are the three critical cornerstones in creating an income from the Forex markets today and the central strategies to Ultimate Forex Now For the first time ever I have decided to spill my guts if you ll excuse the expression Up until now, only a small group have been able to access these strategies We restrict ourselves to running only a small number of seminars per year, and everyone we teach undergoes a Live trader coaching programme to ensure they start and continue to trade successfully So now, I want as many people around the world to benefit from this In this report I am taking a few of the most important principles that I have learned and I want to share them with you FOR FREE 8.9 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits Why Because no-one else does Check this s true I have always regarded myself as a pioneer I was the first person to bring professional 1-on-1 trader coaching to the UK before I started trader coaching there were just one or two stock market training companies you know the drill, a lot of hype and little substance I hav e completely revolutionised the private trader coaching industry in the UK and for this I received critical acclaim and I ve shaken the establishment I was also the first and still only trading educator to put my neck on the block by launching a LIVE trading floor where we actually published the actual trading accounts and results of our traders NO ONE DOES THIS Why In my honest opinion, most trainers are not traders you know the adage, those who can - do, and those who can t - teach Most are just publishers Period We prove our results and we have beaten every international benchmark since we started There is no arguing with that still weasels will whinge, whine and moan Whatever This will really upset them because I am giving you some of the best tools FOR FREE Yes I am betting you ll love what I have to teach you FOR FREE I m also betting you ll become a RAVING FAN and I truly believe one day you ll either attend one of my trading events at our trading floor or participate in a priva te 1-on-1 trader coaching programme as we know, this is where REAL results are made 9.10 Forex Trading Pays Off Greg Secker s Project Aston Martin DB9S However, if you just want to grab the tools for FREE, presented here in this document be my guest Seriously, no love lost Take them with my blessing and pass them on to your friends I have nothing to lose If you are serious attend Ultimate Forex and have your hand held through the trading process and do what I did STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS - there is no substitute for live one on one trader coaching with strategies - if you are serious about producing a secure income stream and have always wanted to know exactly how to do this properly and consistently then speak to my team and get registered I guarantee you will not look back Anyway, without further ado let s get STARTED 10.11 What is the Forex Market What is the fuss all about The Foreign Exchange market, or Forex or FX Market is literally the largest most liquid market place i N die Welt Dies ist der Spielplatz der Millionär und sogar Billionaire Trader In Forex können Sie buchstäblich Millionen für sich selbst erstellen, wenn Sie richtige professionelle Trading-Strategien verwenden Dieser Markt hat sowohl die Hebelwirkung und die Genauigkeit, um Ihre Trading-Karriere zu verwandeln Forex Trades etwa 3 Billionen Dollar jeden einzelnen Tag Das ist mehr als die einzelnen Asset-Klasse kombiniert, dh mehr als die Anleihe, Aktien, Aktienmärkte zusammen Die schiere Größe dieses Marktes bedeutet, dass, im Gegensatz zu Handel Aktien, können Sie ganz einfach Ihre Trades auf Zu jeder Zeit und bekommen extrem enge Spreads auf Ihren Handel Dies bedeutet, dass die Kosten des Umgangs ist niedrig und die auch desto mehr Sie handeln die Kosten bleibt fixiert so im Gegensatz zu Aktien, wo Sie erwarten würden, dass der Preis um den größeren die Bestellung zu bewegen, da Makler haben, um Quelle genug Lager für Sie zu handeln, sind die Forex-Märkte völlig flüssig und deshalb sind aus diesem Grund allein, Forex ist der selbstgewählte Marktplatz der Wahl der Mühle ionaire trader, due to its speed, efficiency, transparency and clarity of signal 11.12 What is the Forex Market The More People, the Better the Signal For trading signals and strategies to actually work out, we need lots of traders to be agreeing with the signal Therefore participation is key Given that Forex is the most participated market in the world, you can be sure that the signals are the clearest of any marketplace If you have ever traded an ill-liquid stock in the past using technical analysis you will know exactly what i mean Illiquid stocks only need one participant to ruin an otherwise perfect technical setup Due to magnitude of the Forex market, this noise from one or two individuals is smoothed out because of the sheer size - again This translates into reliable signals The power comes when your trading strategies are reliant on trading these clear signals What you are looking at below is a chart of the EURUSD You are looking at Pivot lines below we ll talk more about these later on , just for now notice how the price bounces ever so accurately off these lines Trading Strategies that work, are those which use these type of clear undeniable trading signals 12.13 Why Trade Forex The Market that Never Sleeps The Market that Never Sleeps First of all, time your time This is a 24 hour marketplace, it never sleeps This means that you can trade when you want If you are an early bird, you will find setups on the major currencies at 7am If you are a night owl, you ll find setups in the evening The point is this, you will soon find the time frame and the currencies to monitor and you place the trades when you are available On Ultimate Forex programme you will discover which strategies to trade and when Most traders think that the big money is made trying to scalp Forex nothing could be further from the truth The big money is made in Forex by setting up end-of-day trading strategies and letting these positions just run and run and bring you hundreds and thousands o f pips are using a guaranteed stop loss you would take a whopping 10 loss on the trade Now this is well known to stock traders and it is considered market risk However, in the Forex market this risk does not exist The Forex market is completely seamless in other words there are no gaps except from Friday evening to Sunday evening when there are no trades This means you can trade the market non-stop without the fear of getting gapped-out of your trade Unlike the Stock market the Forex market does not gap A gap is a space on a chart where no trading takes place, leaving literally a physical white space on the chart This is dangerous If you have bought some shares in a company only to discover a week later that the company is having problems and releases a profit warning The gap could be 10 , and unless you 13.14 Why Trade Forex Look at the following diagram, in this example investors holding Yell Group would have got a nasty surprise when they learned of the accounting blunders and the s tock gaps down over 10 overnight 14.15 Why Trade Forex The price at what you buy and sell is important If there is a big difference between what is costs you to buy something and immediately sell it back to the market it only follows that this contributes to a high cost of dealing In stocks, the difference between what you can buy and sell your stocks the spread is controlled almost exclusively by market makers The spread changes often, and is a reflection of the amount of stock available at any given time If there are lots of buyers and sellers then clearly the dealing risk is lower for the broker and this results in tighter spreads to the customer Take a look at the following example You can see the spread on Gregg s the Bakers is 80 points That is because Greggs is not a heavily traded stock you don t get many people buying a stock that is 33 a share and therefore the spread is wide This is because Greggs doesn t split it s stock, it wants to attract long term investors who are inte rested in the dividend it pays out for holding the stock A trader then would have to pay 80 points just to get into the trade At 10 pt this puts the trade at a - 800 loss just on trade entry Stock example - Spread is 80 points Greggs Mon Daily Cash Rolling 25 Forex example - Spread is 3 points EUR USD Mon Daily Cash Rolling 28 GBP USD Mon Daily Cash Rolling 28 However in the Forex market, the spread is unaffected by market conditions The spread is always fixed, so you always know exactly what prices you are dealing at Why There are, as said before, no size restrictions in the Forex markets 15.16 Why Trade Forex Trading Forex 101 Unlike stocks and futures that trade through central exchanges, most Forex trading takes place through the interbank market and is facilitated by market makers that include major banks as well as small to large brokerage firms It is difficult therefore to measure the volume traded on any currency at any time, as it is not registered through a central exchange b ut most good data providers can give pretty good estimates Forex trading involves trading currency pairs such as the EUR USD pair Eurodollar US dollar pair where a buyer of this pair would actually be buying the Eurodollar and simultaneously selling short the US dollar There is always two currencies in every pair, a BASE and a TERMS The BASE is always the first currency in the pair and is always equal to 1 The second currency in the pair is the TERMS and this tells you what the how much currency you could buy for 1 unit of the BASE currency For example, if EURUSD is trading at it means 1 Euro is worth US Dollars Base currency EUR USD Terms currency When the exchange rate rises, the terms currency is weakening against the base, and the base is obviously increasing against the terms Currency trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of the other 16.17 How to Enter Trades for Profit Trade in the Direction of the Trend Wait for the pull back We must never trade against the trend Whether we are trading currencies, stocks, commodities or the indices we must always trade Long Buy when the chart is moving upwards and Short Sell when the chart is moving downwards To consistently reap short term profits and I mean very healthy profits that you can more than live off, we need to make sure our trade entry meets the following objectives 1 We are trading in the same direction as the trend ALWAYS 2 We wait for the trade to pull back, i e if the stock is moving up, let it retrace to a level and bounce 3 The bars price bars are small in length not overly elongated i e volatility and hence risk should be small We look to enter the trade as the bounce is occurring In the following diagram, we see the trade is clearly in an uptrend By the way, that is defined as higher-highs higher peaks forming and the higher-lows the troughs are higher as we move from left to right As the stock pulls back 1 to the moving average line that s the blue line in this diagram , we see a series of red seller bars selling off in an uptrend When the price approaches the moving average we would expect it to bounce off We are therefore looking for a reversal bar red changing back to green in this instance and looking for trade entry around this area Now the bounce is occurring we are looking for a small undersized reversal bar, as we see volume increasing into the move 1 Retracement to moving average, major minor support or trend line 2 Reversal Bar 4 Moving Averages in Direction of Trend 3 Trend 17.18 How to Enter Trades for Profit 1 Undersized Reversal Bar 2 Volume into the move The small undersized reversal bar really sets up the strategy of the play We use this bar alone to work out where to place both our entry and our initial stop loss What s the rationale here Firstly, there are more buyers than sellers in this particular market hence why the stock is in an uptrend That s pretty obvious you say yes it is However, no markets move in a straight line, they move up an d then they pull back Most novice investors enter a trade that is clearly moving strongly in a direction, only to see it reverse on them almost immediately and take their precious capital with it Why Generally in the height of excitement of a move the full stretch of the accordion player if you like, must pull back to allow profit takers to realise their profits It s this movement that causes the market to retrace and our novice investors immediately eat a loss What can we do We must wait to see the direction of the trend established and the line of the trend Then notice the early profit taking which pulls the currency back to the line of current trend direction Now we enter only on small entry bars - with low risk i e the price bars are small 18.19 How to Enter Trades for Profit Let s take a look at some examples of this pivotal based trade in action Here on EURUSD we have identified a number of pivots along the trend setting up At Ultimate Forex, graduates learn exactly how to identi fy these key turning points and place low-risk managed trade around these crucial points With a chart like this, these types of trades yield literally hundreds of pips At a trade size of 10 pt or 1 Standard lot, you are looking at between 2500 and 3000 profit per trade In summary, we want to see the pull back occur and reverse back towards the direction of the trend when this reversal of the retracement is confirmed this is our confirmation of entry The rule therefore can best be remembered as Buy on the bounce, not on the stretch 19.20 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY stop before you go any further Successful trading is about managing risk, period If you are currently trading, have ever traded or are considering trading, ask yourself this important question how much cash should I place on any given trade If the answer to this question is not mathematically generated from a risk-based formula, stop trading immediately If you are placing 5000 or 5000 on the next trade because you feel t hat it is likely to go-well, then your trade sizing is coming from stomach and not your head this is your signal to STOP TRADING, AND LEARN HOW TO TRADE SIZE How to Trade Size Trading is a numbers game Every single trade you place must be considered as a trade in a sea of many trades Some trades will work out, others will not that s life Your job is to make sure that the ones that do not work out don t hit your account like a freight train meaning they must be risk managed You must set the game up to win Losing trades should nibble at your capital, not shatter it after a string of losers It is not in your winning trades that fortunes are made it is in the protection of your capital against heavy draw downs where winning traders are made One of the biggest causes of failure amongst traders therefore is the inability to manage risk and control losses Remember this Huge Money is Only Made When a Little Money is Risked The Right Way and Commonly Used Wrong Way to Determine the Size of Your Trade Here s my first tip Handling Losses if your trade drops below a pre-defined level, you must exit no hesitation Sure it will hurt but as a successful trader you know that this is part of trading consider it learning capital and get used to it Being a successful investor or trader isn t simply about winning more trades than you lose It s about controlling your losses so that the profits from your wins will outweigh the losing trades Consider the following methods of figuring out how much to place on a trade The WRONG Way - RISKY The RIGHT Way - SMART 1 Pick a stock 1 Use your system to identify a stock 2 Decide how much to place on the trade based on how you feel about it 2 Use Reward Risk ratio to decide whether or not to invest 3 Execute trade 3 Calculate available funds for the trade 4 Afterthought Add a stop loss to protect downside 4 Calculate trade size using available funds and potential risk 20.21 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY The magic ratio you should always use to ju dge a Trade Once you have identified a trade, the next step is to calculate the Reward Risk ratio using your stop loss and a realistic target price Your Reward Risk ratio should be 2 1 In Forex trading, we even take 1 1 reward risk trades in some instances, but this is only when trading the higher probability strategies which offer 90 probability of success Looking at this trade we may well decide to enter the trade if it breaks through the roof of the consolidation that has formed between 350 to 345 consolidation is where the price is in a tight range between the two price points Clearly our stop loss the point where we exit the trade if it goes against us must be placed just below the support line at 345 say 342 to be safe The Long buy entry of the trade, would be placed just as the trade breaks through the 350 price, around 352 to be sure Reward Target Price - Entry Price Risk Target Price - Entry Price 1 21.22 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY If the target profit price is at least three times the risk then the trade makes sense If not, look elsewhere You may well be right, and the share may well go up, but trading like this is too risky and will most likely lead to failure Reward Potential Gain Target Price Entry Price Risk Potential Loss Entry price Stop Loss The Common, but serious mistake that many full time traders Make and How to Avoid It OK, so we ve decided that the Reward outweighs the Risk, great news Now the next important question How much money should I place on the trade Sadly, most novice and full-time traders alike make a grave mistake at this important fork in the road Most traders simply pluck a number out of thin air or worse still lazily choose the same amount on every trade they place big mistake huge This is a classic MESS-UP Ask your novice, intermediate or semi-pro, not what instruments they are buying or selling but in what quantities - the answer you will get in most cases A blank stare In fact I once coached a guy, we ll call him Punter Pete who would always spread bet 40 a point on any trade he traded coached him, he had never once had a profitable year and this was his third year After I taught him to tradesize correctly he made 115 that very next year So you get the gravity of importance Let s cut to it The position you take your stake or number of shares you buy on any one trade should be determined by your account size, the perceived risk and the proportion of your account you are willing to risk Let s assume you have a trading account of 10,000 You should only ever risk a small percentage of your account on any one trade I recommend that you never risk more than 2 , and realistically 1 is a much better risk level This is the key to success Most failures are because people get greedy and wipe out early on Whilst the trades he picked weren t bad calls, because he always traded the same amount on every trade, the ultimate risk on each trade varied wildly Before I 22.23 How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY Consider ten hypothetical trades following this system 7 losing 300 7 50 x 40 point loss 3 winning 900 7 50 x 120 point gain NET 2100 LOSS 2700 PROFIT 600 PROFIT So, using this strategy, you can still make profits since your winning trades outweigh the losses from a larger number of losing trades Here s the Magic Formula Position Size Account Risk Trade Risk Position Size 1 x account value entry price-stop less The Account Risk is determined by the total value of your trading account in this case 10,000 multiplied by 1 , so effectively we are saying we cannot lose more than 100 on any trade i e 1 of 10K is 100 Now we look at the Risk on the trade effectively this is the difference between where you entered the trade entry price and where you exit if it all goes wrong Stop loss Now, the key question, once trade risk is handled is how to select winning trades Or more importantly, how to build a list of trades that are most likely to go in your favour Notice, I don t even consider looking for trades until I have the risk management piece handled that s how important it is For this there are three systems 1 Ultimate Forex Pivots an intraday trading system with 90 success rate 2 Forex Income Generator an incredible end-of-day trading system 3 Ultimate Forex Sniper a consistent money making intraday setup you can use 24 5 23.Contents What is Forex Why Trade Forex How to Enter Trades for Profit How to Manage the RISK PRECISELY 11 CRITICAL Steps for Timing Entry and Exit Points Psychology and Price Action EXPOSED Sssshhh Don t TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS PLUS My Top 5 Tips for a Successful Trading Career Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. Ultimate Forex Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics to UNLIMITED Trading Profits Before we get started Who the hell is Greg Secker That s me on the right on our trading floor in London, England I own the multi-million pou nd Knowledge to Action group which runs LiveTradingFloor and Traders University - the UK s first multi-award winning private trader coaching company We ve had over 50,000 people attend our various trading seminars and workshops why Because what we teach works We teach people just like you how to produce a solid income trading the stock and currency markets and over 90 of these people are literally beginners often starting with less than 5000 I learned how to trade Forex first In fact Forex has always been my first love and my main love It all started back in the mid-nineties after I graduated from University and joined the Thomas Cook Financial Services group, as a young, keen perhaps a little over zealous lad out of school and into their technology department I worked hard and demonstrated aptitude and quickly realised that the money being made in this place wasn t the holiday business but the lucrative Foreign Exchange business And then a twist of fate happened the internet was becom ing more popular, the world wanted to trade online and I was involved in a project called the Virtual Trading Desk , which was to become the world s first internet based Forex Trading platform allowing treasury departments across the globe to transact in Forex at the touch of a button To make this project a reality, I had to learn everything about Foreign Exchange I trained with traders from London, New York, Toronto, Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. Australasia They taught me how the rates were constructed, what influenced the currency movements, how they traded the flow, and a complete insider view on fundamental influences, news, politics and of course technical charts I witnessed billions of dollars being dealt and millions being made And I fell in love with Forex trading right there and then Within months, I had moved out of technology and I was r unning the Forex trading and operations business out of Toronto, Canada for the Virtual Trading Desk This was such a revolution in the Foreign Exchange world, if you remember the Euro, the ERM Exchange rate mechanism was all to come this was pre-2000 and the millennium bug We were so far ahead of our time, we won multiple awards for this innovation - beating the likes of arclays and Charles Schwab we had realime Forex Trading and on else did Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. This early success in my career, got me hooked on trading Forex I could see what it could do, I was in awe of the sheer size and scale If the UK Stock market was a paddling pool this was the Atlantic Ocean Because of my success with the Virtual Trading Desk, I was soon gobbled up by a big US Bank my signing bonus was more than my salary from my previous job and, as you can imagine, my parents were ecstatic I was now a Vice President in the Foreign Exchange business for a major investment bank Mellon Financial Corporation in the United States, not bad for a guy in his early twenties Here I was lucky enough to be working around some of the very best traders in the world I had exclusive access working with high powered Forex traders every single day Not the big names i e Soros, Buffet etc you hear bandied around the Internet and in the media - but the real Forex traders who quietly toil away day after day, bringing in multi-million dollar fortunes for the investment banks, proprietary trading floors and hedge funds they work for Making money trading flourished - and it was at this time that I stumbled upon a concept that led to a complete shift in my thinking Up until this point, I had worked hard, I had won awards for my degree s at university and there I was at 24 with a six figure salary and a vicepresidency in a major US bank yet I was in my language a salary sl ave Yes I had great bonuses, yes I had a fantastic salary but boy did I have to put the hours in Whilst all the time, my trading account was beating my salary into a pulp I realised that I, and most people live in a world where TIME MONEY In other words, the harder I worked the more money I made Ask anyone how to quadruple their income and their brain asks How can I work four times harder Trading changed all of that for me I didn t just learn how to make money trading, from my years working on trading floors around the world I completely changed my perception of money, wealth and time I discovered that when you learn how to trade successfully, your perception of Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. money changes forever Through Investing and Trading where your money works while you don t , I realised I could make exponential income and that in this case, t ime is disproportionately related to money I realised that Money Makes Money and when you don t just understand that, but you know that meaning you do it Life changes, it literally takes on new meaning How You feel lighter, less stressed, less worried, different somewhat nonchalant - it s like the big struggle is over So I continued trading, learning new strategies, testing everything I came into contact with I proofed my strategies with the traders at work, at my bank and at other banks I realised that technical analysis pouring over charts is for academics and that strategies specific rules for entering and exiting profitable trades is what the game is all about This was where the money came from, and before long it was obvious to me that I did not need to be a salary slave anymore Don t get me wrong this wasn t easy, I certainly have the scars both emotional and financial and I definitely learned the hard way, for example I have no shame in telling you that I burned seven trading ac counts along the way We all have our own journeys to experience, mine led me to the realisation that i could try and gamble this market or i could use strategies that professionals use and that work I am reminded of this nearly every day When I look at the outer-ring of a British two pound coin, the inscription reads Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The words were taken from a letter written in 1676 by Isaac Newton to his fellow scientist Robert Hooke, acknowledging the debt he owed to others, if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants Meaning, the fastest and most efficient way to success is to use the tools that others have discovered before us, and use them to our benefit I decided that if Sir Isaac Newton can acknowledge this, so can I The Latin is nanos gigantum humeris insidentes meaning One who develops future intellectual pursuits by understanding the research and works created by notable Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm e The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. thinkers of the past After I officially retired from work at 28 I decided to set up a trading floor, from my home Since those early days, I have been passionately sharing the secrets with everyone I have come into contact with At first it was friends and family but before I knew it, I had 17 people camping out at my house trading on my lounge floor, and Knowledge to Action was born in only 3 short months My partner suggested that seeing as I was so passionate about teaching people to trade, I should move the students the cult out of the house and form a proper school and that is exactly what we did Today, only five years later I have spoken on almost all major market channels including CNBC and Bloomberg I also headline the major investment events IX, Euromoney and Master-Investor to name a few and personally own one of the highest performing private trading floors in London It em ploys full time traders executing the very strategies I discovered on my travels around the trading floors of the world, and which I now impart to new traders who are committed to making this work for them too I m regularly invited to speak alongside well renowned personalities such as Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad , T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and most recently Tony Blair Prime Minister, Great Britain 1997-2007 My most recent speaking engagements include teaching at the Anthony Robbins Wealth Mastery rogramme and The National Achievers Congress in Asia Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. The success of the graduates which combine instruction and, importantly, coaching has led to being written about in two books Bets in the City by Sally Nicoll where I turned the author s trading career around, and she attributes her trading success t o our programme Instant Intuition by Anne Jirsch a well known psychic who researched my extraordinary trading profits to discover if it was based on some god given gut feel or little known but easy to use strategies hint it s not the former I have been begged to show my Forex Trading Tactics to my graduates For the last five years, my students have pleaded with me to teach them to trade Forex Most of my graduates who have attended my Traders University programme become so expert at trading that they give up on technical analysis altogether What I mean here is, they only trade strategies The strategies for trading stocks that I teach are legendary, and have been written about in best sellers, featured on popular news programmes and TV chat shows The question from my graduates became Show us the strategies for trading Forex When I sat down to write what I do in Forex it literally took me six months After distilling the programme down so a lay person could understand it, it took another s ix months Finally Ultimate Forex was finished and the three strategies, namely Ultimate Forex Pivots , Ultimate Forex Sniper Trade and the Forex Income Generator are the three critical cornerstones in creating an income from the Forex markets today and the central strategies to Ultimate Forex Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. Now For the first time ever I have decided to spill my guts if you ll excuse the expression Up until now, only a small group have been able to access these strategies We restrict ourselves to running only a small number of seminars per year, and everyone we teach undergoes a Live trader coaching programme to ensure they start and continue to trade successfully So now, I want as many people around the world to benefit from this In this report I am taking a few of the most important principles that I have learned and I want to share them with you FOR FREE Why - Because no-one else does Check this true I have always regarded myself as a pioneer I was the first person to bring professional 1-on-1 trader coaching to the UK before I started trader coaching there were just one or two stock market training companies you know the drill, a lot of hype and little substance I have completely revolutionised the private trader coaching industry in the UK and for this I received critical acclaim and I ve shaken the establishment I was also the first and still only trading educator to put my neck on the block by launching a LIVE trading floor where we actually published the actual trading accounts and results of our traders Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. NO ONE DOES THIS Why In my honest opinion, most trainers are not traders you know the adage, those who can - do, and those who can t - teach Most are just publishers Period We prove our results and we have beaten every international benchmark since we started There is no arguing with that still weasels will whinge, whine and moan Whatever This will really upset I am giving you some of the best FREE Yes - I am betting you ll love what I have to teach you FOR FREE I m also betting you ll become a RAVING I truly believe one day you ll either attend one of my trading events at our trading floor or participate in a private 1-on-1 trader coaching programme as we know, this is where REAL results are made However, if you just want to grab the tools for FREE, presented here in this my guest Seriously, no love lost Take them with my blessing and pass them on to your friends I have nothing to lose If you are serious attend Ultimate Forex and have your hand held through the trading process and do what I did STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LIVE ONE ON ONE TRADER COACHING WITH STRATEGIES - if you are serious about producing a secure income stream and have always wanted to know exactly how to do this properly and consistently then speak to my team and get registered I guarantee you will not look back way without further ado let s get STARTED Forex Trading Pays Off Greg Secker s Project Aston Martin DB9S Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. What is the Forex Market What is the fuss all about The Foreign Exchange market, or Forex or FX Market is literally the largest most liquid market place in the world This is the playground of the Millionaire and even Billionaire trader In Forex you can literally create millions for yourself, if you use proper professional trading strategies This marketplace has both the leverage and the accuracy to transform your trading career At time of writing the Forex trades about 3 trillion dollars every single day That s more than the every single asset class combined i e more than the bond, stock, equity markets together The sheer size of this marketplace means that, unlike trading stocks, you can easily execute your trades at any time and get extremely tight spreads on your trading This means the cost of dealing is low and the also the more you trade the cost stays fixed so unlike stocks where you would expect the price to move the larger the order as brokers have to source enough stock for you to trade , the Forex markets are completely liquid and therefore are For this reason alone, Forex is the self-selected marketplace of choice of the Millionaire trader, due to its speed, efficiency, transparency and clarity of signal Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. The More People, the Better the Signal For trading signals and strategies to actually work out, we need lots of traders to be a greeing with the signal Therefore participation is key Given that Forex is the most participated market in the world, you can be sure that the signals are the clearest of any marketplace If you have ever traded an ill-liquid stock in the past using technical analysis you will know exactly what i mean Illiquid stocks only need one participant to ruin an otherwise perfect technical setup Due to magnitude of the Forex market, this noise from one or two individuals is smoothed out because of the sheer size - again This translates into reliable signals The power comes when your trading strategies are reliant on trading these clear signals What you are looking at below is a chart of the EURUSD You are looking at Pivot lines below we ll talk more about these later on , just for now notice how the price bounces ever so accurately off these lines Trading Strategies that work, are those which use these type of clear undeniable trading signals Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. Why Trade Forex The Market that Never Sleeps First of all, time your time This is a 24 hour marketplace, it never sleeps This means that you can trade when you want If you are an early bird, you will find setups on the major currencies at 7am If you are a night owl, you ll find setups in the evening The point is this, you will soon find the time frame and the currencies to monitor and you place the trades when you are available On Ultimate Forex programme you will discover which strategies to trade and when Most traders think that the big money is made trying to scalp Forex nothing could be further from the truth The big money is made in Forex by setting up end-of-day trading strategies and letting these positions just run and run and bring you hundreds and thousands of pips There are NO Gaps in the Forex market Unlike the Stock market the Forex market does not gap A gap is a space on a chart where no trading takes place, leaving literally a physical white space on the chart This is dangerous If you have bought some shares in a company only to discover a week later that the company is having problems and releases a profit warning The gap could be 10 , and unless you are using a guaranteed stop loss you would take a whopping 10 loss on the trade Now this is well known to stock traders and it is considered market risk However, in the Forex market this risk does not exist The Forex market is completely seamless in other words there are no gaps except from Friday evening to Sunday evening when there are no trades This means you can trade the market non-stop without the fear of getting gapped-out of your trade Look at the following diagram, in this example investors holding Yell Group would have got a nasty surprise when they learned of the accounting blunders and the stock gaps down over 10 overnight Coming Soon The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Pr ogramme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd. no comments yet.

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